
About Me


I'm Merrion but my friends call me by my nickname which is Mare. My sister gave me the name because she thinks I walk like a Horse. Go figure! It does make things easier though because most people don't get my name. I get called everything from Maryanne to Miriam, even Merron so I've learned to answer to anything starting with an M basically.

I'm a mother to 5 children, 3 step-children, 2 grandchildren, 3 step-grandchildren and a cat, although technically I'm not the cats mother! I'm married to Mick who runs his own business teaching people to drive and I work in a warehouse doing a job that combines two of my favourite things, books and rearranging things. I love to read and I love to move things around like furniture, things inside cupboards, plants in the garden. I'm a great believer in the adage that a change is as good as a holiday. Mind you, after I've conscripted everyone into helping me move furniture
around for a couple of hours we all need a holiday, but it's great fun. For me anyway. The others....not so much.

I also love music and grew up in a musical family with a mother who played amazing piano by ear, a father who played a mean harmonica and sang with a beautiful tenor voice and 3 siblings that all sang and played instruments. I have wonderful memories of sitting around in the lounge room of an evening singing and playing together. Over the years I've taught myself to play the guitar, the keyboard, the Bass guitar and I tinker on the drums and the harmonica as well as sing. I've led the Music Team at my local church for the past 20+ years so have had plenty of opportunity to hone my skills.

This is my first time delving into the world of blogging and I'm looking forward to having some fun with writing. I love to read and I've often toyed with the idea of writing a Novel. I also love to garden although after a serious accident last year I'm unable to pursue that hobby at the moment. People think I'm a little over the top when it comes to hanging photos of people I love on the walls in my house. Most walls are covered with photos of my family. I don't quite see the point of having photos if you never get to look at them and I derive enormous pleasure from sitting in one room or another and just contemplating the changing faces of my children. 

I am also an unashamedly committed follower of Jesus Christ and it is in Him that I find my hope and salvation and enormous purpose and joy in serving Him and sharing about Him with others.

So there's a little snap shot into who I am and I'm looking forward to hearing a little about you too.



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